The Value of Self-Love

To simplify healing down to its essence, consider that we have two bodies, our energy body and our physical body. Our energy body is infused with the light of our consciousness. It is also a record keeper and holds all the traumas we have experienced in this and other lifetimes. If the traumas aren’t cleared, they eventually block flow and manifest in our physicality, be it in our bodies or life. This can manifest as illness, challenges to our skeletal system, a pattern of behavior, neurotic suffering.

To be whole and in flow, our energy body needs to be clear and that is where energy healing and energy medicine comes in.

A number of years ago I was on an airplane and talked with the fellow who was seated next to me. He had experienced an unbelievable amount of trauma in his life yet I had rarely seen such a radiant person. I have often marveled, how did he remain so clear? Some people are naturally much more able than others to clear themselves of trauma. “Naturally” is key as they don’t know how they do it.

Over many healings, I have seen how often the need for self-love emerges in my clients. I’ve had the insight that those who are very good at naturally clearing their energy body do so because they feel a lot of self-love. Not ego, but self-love, a real love of who they are.

With a sense of awe about the wisdom of this, I am noticing that self-love engenders a highly beneficial alchemy that enhances the flow of healing prana to clear the energy body.

By Annie Bond.

Annie teaches the Awakening Prana Healer School and gives healings in Rhinebeck, NY, and on Zoom. She gives distance healings and teaches to people all over the world.


  1. Joseph December 6, 2019 at 3:11 am

    ” I am noticing that self-love engenders a highly beneficial alchemy that enhances the flow of healing prana to clear the energy body. ” This goes right to my heart’s center, Annie. Beautifully stated, thank you for sharing.

  2. Jude Richvale December 8, 2022 at 12:27 pm

    Insightful and illuminating. Conventional medicine ignores energy healing.

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