
Clients and Their Souls

Over and over I have found that when our soul is turned to our human form to bring healing, the result is profound. The soul (the Divine Mother )energy almost always works on the subtle body, especially the sushumna, torus (see a great picture, here) and chakra centers.

One man in particular makes me think of how meeting his soul/Divine Mother was authenticating for him. He was in the military and had a number of troops under his watch. His beautiful soul/Divine Mother was at essence the light of compassion, touched with analytical precision. His healing was breathtaking (as all are, in their different ways). In talking with him after the healing, he told me how he used a lot of tough love because his compassion made him want his troops to survive and he was always conjuring up ways – in a very analytical way – of succeeding at this. He finds he acts compassionately in his professional work as well, and he realized what an asset it was. As a result of this meeting he honored this part of himself and has been embodying analytically compassionate approaches more and more. Neurosis has fallen away.

In another case there was a confirmation about the harmony of a relationship. One Divine Mother was full of Grace and the other had the energy of a benevolent king. What a beautiful synergy between those two.

Divine Mother Manifestations

I’ve met a few Divine Mothers that have energy like Michelangelo’s Pieta. They bring tender devotion to all around them. Another was a pollinator of golden light on the planet. One was like a buttercup in a field, simply bringing a lovely light to all around them. I’ve seen a few Divine Mothers who are like Bodhisattvas. Another was of expanded consciousness, like Buddha. All are in service.

Once the connection to their Divine Mother is activated, people take off in many positive ways. Rapid spiritual growth isn’t always easy, but almost all report increased abundance on many fronts as they naturally heal trauma and emotional conflicts. I teach them how to call in their own Divine Mother, too, and many will call Her in every day, just as I do. It is a rare day that I don’t, and my life has blossomed as a result.

Some say I am a midwife for the soul/Divine Mother to embody. I think that is a nice analogy, and I hope to train many such midwifes. By midwifing our Divine Mother into our personalities we can birth in our more authentic selves.

By Annie Bond.

Annie teaches the Awakening Prana Healer School and gives healings in Rhinebeck, NY, and on Zoom. She gives distance healings and teaches to people all over the world.