
The more I am emptied, the more I am Spirit.

I remember when I started self-healing techniques, I began to learn about the chakras and their colors. I would stand out on the front porch every day at some point, and imagine red bathing my first chakra, then orange my second, yellow my third, the new green in my heart, sky blue in my throat, indigo in my 3rd eye, and then violet at my crown.

A month or so after starting this, I was on a five hour drive to the Cape, and first I looked for a red car, and bathed my first chakra with red, drinking the color in with my eyes. Next, an orange car – or an orange line in the road, or an orange sign, and bathed that color into my second chakra. Same with yellow, green, sky blue, indigo and then purple. I despaired of seeing a purple car, but then, just as we were going over the Sagamore Bridge onto the Cape, there it was: a purple van.

The Chakras and Clearing

These initial experiences of connecting to my chakras were the start of what has become for me a daily practice of self-healing using many different modalities and meditations. One thing has led to another. If only I had written down all the insights and healings, I could publish the definitive book on personal growth, at least for me. While all the day-to-day details are lost, the insights are not forgotten on some level. Since that time I’ve become increasingly wiser about myself, and others. Most importantly, with the months and then years of clearing out old emotional wounds and trauma every day, attending to what is showing up, my life has moved into arenas I could never have dreamed.

In time, I bought a meditation chair with comfortable and colorful pillows. The pretty wicker chair from Pier 1 was wide enough for me to be in it with my legs folded. Soon after the chair, I found a big clear quartz sphere to hold when doing an inquiry meditation. Or just to hold to amplify the vibration of the meditation. How many countless hours I have sat in the chair through the years, through all the ups and downs of my life. Some meditations are deep, others restless.

Emptying as a Path to Clarity

Part of my drive for self-healing is to be my best as an energy healer. I know that the more I am emptied, the more clear a channel of light. I am better able to “get out of the way” to facilitate high level healings for my clients. The unhealed ego starts falling away. The other part is for the increased serenity of self.

The more I am emptied, the more I am Spirit.

Self-healing techniques are best customized to ones you resonate with. In that way you will do them until you feel complete with it and move to another. In future blogs, I will offer some of the best I know.

Here are a few of my go-to meditations that I developed:

Finding Inner Truth

Life Channel (Pranic Tube) Meditation

Heal a Part of Yourself That Needs Healing

By Annie Bond.

Annie teaches the Awakening Prana Healer School and gives healings in Rhinebeck, NY, and on Zoom. She gives distance healings and teaches to people all over the world.