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Awakening Prana Blog

Hamster Wheels of the Mind

August 26th, 2019|

You know the feeling, your head is a bit bowed down and you are unaware of your surroundings as if wearing horse blinders. Your mind is incessantly going round and round about a topic. One can visualize these thoughts as hamster wheels of the mind. Jane is close to 60 and has been coming to see me for a few years. She

The Trinity Activations – Overview

August 4th, 2019|

The Trinity Activations A part of The Awakening Prana Practice On an Infinite Soul level there is a perfect balance of the male and female. Yin and Yang. We were born from this. From this balanced polarity in our soul– our own divine mother and divine father, as it were – came a spark of light, and we as their divine child

Self-Doubt is Like a Hydra

July 21st, 2019|

Self-doubt is like an internalized hydra – that mythological 10-headed serpentine water monster – and each head of the hydra has a different opinion. There is self-doubt and then there is self-doubt. Self-doubt on overdrive is when making even a moderately important decision turns into a cacophony…in one’s head. One is at the mercy of conflicting thoughts. “Cacophony” means a mixture of

The Divine Mother Work

Categories: Blog, Healing, Modalities, School|

If you think of a seed, it needs enough sun, water, air and earth to sprout and grow. If it doesn’t have enough of these it is depleted, stunted, or doesn’t even sprout. Once these elements are provided, the seed pops up and quickly


Categories: Blog, Healing, School, Teaching|

One of the reasons – if not the reason—that meditation is so rejuventating, is that it helps us sink into an existing spiritual energy system that is designed for our wellbeing. It is the heavy energy of trauma and stress that normally separates us

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