Finding Inner Truth

A frequent request from clients is for the healing to help them know their inner truth. My go-to for finding inner truth  is my Higher Self meditation.

Here is a simple meditation that came to me in a time of real need and has helped me to know wisdom, truth, and clarity about any one situation. These are often the types of situations where one “hamster wheels” and is stuck in the head, going round and round.

The method I have found successful is that I ask the question and then repeat it frequently until I get the solid knowing, the discernment that the answer is true. Sometimes this answer comes very quickly and at others I have to repeat the question over time, even over a number of days. Ask the question anytime you think of it, such as when doing the dishes, or when on a walk. You’ll know when the answer rings true.

I’ve done this meditation at least once a month for 15 years and among other benefits it has taught me discernment, which is invaluable. I’ve learned what it feels like to “know” that the true insight has come in.

” the answer. When something rings true.

I Ask My Higher Self meditation:

I ask my Higher Self to please send me healing around ____(XYZ situation), and I pray for insight. Thank you.


Diary of a Healer offers the stories of people’s lives as seen from the perspective of a clairvoyant healer who works with the energy body and its vibrant, ever-changing patterns. Each entry will be actual accounts of healing and will provide a glossary of esoteric language. Names are changed to protect people’s privacy. By Annie Bond

Annie teaches the Awakening Prana Healer School and gives healings in Rhinebeck, NY and on Zoom. She gives distance healings to people all over the world.

Awakening Prana Healer School

Awakening Prana Healer School is is a high vibration energy healer school, founded and taught by Annie Bond. It is transformative, offering deep healing modalites to deepen your ability to heal yourself and others. You will learn to be in the all-powerful healer space of heart coherence. The teaching is very experiential and hands-on. Space is limited – reach out to Annie to reserve your spot!