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Awakening Prana Blog

  • Stoneman_Isolated1
Stoneman – a Hathor

January 22nd, 2023|

Twenty years ago I came across a stone in my driveway that looked like the Old Man on the Mountain. I was intrigued by the eyes, and having a creative streak, I would prop the stone next to my computer, look into the eye that is shaped like a heart, and start typing what I felt he was saying to me! One

The Auric Fields

October 7th, 2022|

Our minds create formless thoughts from trauma and life’s trials and they become more and more dense the more they fester until they begin to manifest as dis-ease. The issues may be due to health, trauma, finances, lifestyle patterns, personality issues, behaviors, or the mind.We hold these original ‘thoughts’ in our auric fields, of which there are

  • earth, fire, water, air, and ether 5 elements
Self-Healing with the Sacred Elements

April 6th, 2021|

A new way of looking at the elements Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Ether was seared into my brain about 20 years ago when I read The Hathor Material, by Tom Kenyon. Channeling in the Hathors from an “ascended intergalactic civilization,” they told him that the elements are huge, powerful sacred beings who agreed/offered to “hold” their energies here on this planet

How a Death Can Heal

Categories: Blog, Diary of a Healer, Healing|Tags: , |

                                                             Diary of a Healer # 12, by Annie Bond Beautiful and unexpected gifts can come in for people when connecting etherically to loved ones who have died. To orient yourself to this, it does take some belief that there is no death of


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