Meditation to Meet Your Soul
Behind the Waterfall – Enter the Womb of Consciousness
Imagine yourself behind a waterfall, in a deeply enclosed space near a pool of water. You can hear and see the waterfall. It is almost deafening.
Feel the water flow around you. Sit on a bank and let your legs into the water. Or soak in it, like in a bathtub.
Keep listening to the waterfall. Feel the moisture.
Rest here and just breathe deeply, in and out. Feel the water. Hear the water. Know that water is a conduit to your intuition, it connects the inner and the outer realms, the ebb and flow of your emotions. Water is a flowing force and it takes you on an inner voyage.
Listen to the sound of the waterfall.
Rest here until you feel in a deep and meditative state.
Ask your soul, your Divine Mother to come. See Her, feel Her, experience Her.
Ask for a soul/Divine Mother Healing
Stay in the womb-like space behind the waterfall. Listen to the water. Get settled, on a sandy beach, on a rock, on a ledge, or immersed in the water.
Use a hand mudra that has been intuited or provided, if you desire.
Say an invocation similar to this, but that works for you:
I ask to connect to you, my soul, my Divine Mother. I ask for you to heal me in whatever way is in the highest good. A Ho Mataquiessen (amen, whatever you are comfortable with)
After She has time to work on what wisdom she has that is the highest good, you can pose a situation that you want healed or to gain insight about. Ask your soul, your Divine Mother to provide this healing. If you ask other people to join you, make sure to also ask their Divine Mothers to provide healing as well.
Watch what happens, as a witness, and pay attention to what insight you gain and what you see and feel.
By Annie Bond.
Annie teaches the Awakening Prana Healer School and gives healings in Rhinebeck, NY, and on Zoom. She gives distance healings and teaches to people all over the world.