An attendee of one of Annie’s recent retreats noted that listening to this auric sound healing meditation felt like going to the dentist and having an ultrasonic plaque removal cleaning – but instead of plaque, removing old, stuck energy!

These sound healings were developed using the notes and Hz Stoneman channeled to Annie for these very specific healings. Engaging the assistance of an Awakening Prana advanced student, Nicholas Raineri, who happens to be an extremely talented musician, these sound healings have been brought to life.

Though there are others, the majority of the sound healings below, are part of the 7 Steps of the Regenerative Energy Healing practice. Connecting to the Earth and Sun, coming into good yin and yang balance, replenishing enough of the yin and yang to create a bioelectric ignition to move and support your energy body, releasing all the old energies, and filling with light.

Set an intention before working with each, for better success.

Auric Sound Healing Meditation


SELF LOVE HEALING (Short version) – The self-love healing is a light to break down your resistance to loving yourself, the resistance that has come from a lifetime of disses and denigrating your true nature. This healing will realign you with the heart of all hearts, that of your loving soul.

SELF LOVE HEALING (Long version) – The self-love healing is a light to break down your resistance to loving yourself, the resistance that has come from a lifetime of disses and denigrating your true nature. This healing will realign you with the heart of all hearts, that of your loving soul.

7 KEYS OF AWAKENING PRANA – 7 keys, 5 minutes each with 1 minute between each.

Channeled from Hathor Stoneman by Annie Bond (Awakening Prana Founder and Master Healer) and Nick Raineri (Cubical Sunrise @cubicalsunrise and Awakening Prana Master Healer)

7 KEYS OF AWAKENING PRANA (SHORT) – 7 keys – each with a space between to integrate.

Channeled from Hathor Stoneman by Annie Bond (Awakening Prana Founder and Master Healer) and Nick Raineri (Cublical Sunrise @cubicalsunriseand Awakening Prana Master Healer)


THE AWAKENING – The light of Source fills you up with high vibration energy, with life force.

RELEASE (GUIDED) – Removing the density of lower vibrations that we carry from trauma, emotional programs, general miseries.

AWAKENING PRANA VORTEX – A very powerful vortex healing. There are some guidelines for you to follow for your benefit.

#1 Set an intention for what you want healed. “Whatever is in the highest good” is always a good choice.

#2 The sound healing is in three parts.

The first: 10 minutes is the building of the strong and balanced vortex for healing.

The second: 10 minutes is the vortex removing and releasing blocks and density.

The third: 5 minutes of your life force energy reaching what needs to be healed.

BALANCING YIN AND YANG – The building of a prana vortex of healing requires enough yin (-) and yang (+) energy. This track brings them both in and you absorb what you need so that they are balanced.

The Awakener This healing works best when you set an intention for something that you want to heal.

The track is divided into 4 stages.

  1. Yin and yang balancing to build a strong awakening prana vortex.
  2. The building of the awakening prana vortex and its work blasting out density.
  3. The releasing of the density
  4. Awakening with light.

RELEASE – For when you need some extra help clearing and releasing old stagnant energy.

Chakras Horizontal

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