The Five Sacred Elements
A new way of looking at the five sacred elements Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Ether was seared into my brain about 20 years ago, when I read The Hathor Material, by Tom Kenyon. Channeling in the Hathors from an “ascended intergalactic civilization,” they told him that the elements are huge, powerful sacred beings who agreed/offered to “hold” their energies here on this planet so that we could exist… . He wrote, “…your body is a sacred temple, for it is the space in which the four sacred elements of Earth, Fire, Water, and Air/Space offer themselves to you in service.”
I mulled this over for years and years until honoring the elements came into my healing protocol organically, and then into my personal days as a normal course of events. After all:
We Humans Are:
72% Water
12% Earth
6% Air
6% Ether
4% Fire
The Elements as Density
The elements bring life on Earth into form. They make up our material world, they make up matter. Except for Ether, they make density.
Without the Law of Duality we wouldn’t exist on the planet. All matter is made of yin and yang, the + and – forces, the bioelectric system that gives us our physical bodies.
“The simplest thing you can do to change the health and fundamental structure of your body is
to treat the five elements with devotion and respect.” – Sadhguru, Inner Engineering
The Elements as Ayurvedic Doshas
Air and Ether: The elements Air and Ether, the bodily principle of Air is manifested as Vata.
Fire and Water: The Water and Fire elements in conjunction manifest as the Fire principle in the body called Pitta.
Water and Earth: Water and Earth principles collectively create the Water principle in the body called Kappa
The Elements in Chakras
First Chakra: Earth
Second Chakra: Water
Third Chakra: Fire
Fourth Chakra: Air
Fifth Chakra: Ether
Sixth Chakra: Om
Seventh Chakra: All 5 Elements
The Elements, Platonic Solids, and the Chakras
Hexahedron/Cube (6 sides) Earth Element – Root Chakra/1st Chakra
Icosahedron (20 sides) Water – Second Chakra
Tetrahedron (3 sides) Fire Element – Third Chakra
Octahedron (8 sides) Air Element – Heart/4th Chakra
Dodecahedron (12 sides) Ether – Throat