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Awakening Prana Blog

Letting Go of a Grievance

January 13th, 2020|

Diary of a Healer #14, by Annie Bond You may remember “Learn the Lesson of a Chronic Illness,” the Diary of a Healer entry I wrote at the end of last year. I had the insight that for the clearing of a chronic illness I must find the lesson that the client needed to learn for it to finally resolve. Until the

Learn the Lesson of a Chronic Illness

November 17th, 2019|

Diary of a Healer #13, by Annie Bond  As my students know, I explore new healing techniques on myself before integrating them into my practice. Such was the case with a breakthrough I had last week. In the attempt to learn the lesson of a chronic illness I also had a powerful insight about the Law of Attraction. Being a homing signal

How a Death Can Heal

September 15th, 2019|

                                                             Diary of a Healer # 12, by Annie Bond Beautiful and unexpected gifts can come in for people when connecting etherically to loved ones who have died. To orient yourself to this, it does take some belief that there is no death of the spirit when a person passes on from the physical body. Ultimately, it is possible that the person

Becoming a Vehicle of Light

Categories: Blog, Healing, School|

Your hands can turn very hot when you “run” light in hands-on energy healing. Like a furnace. Sometimes your hands are very cold. You yourself feel like a conduit in a circuit of light, as you channel the flow of light from the stars


Categories: Blog, Healing, Meditation, School|

The more I am emptied, the more I am Spirit. I remember when I started self-healing techniques, I began to learn about the chakras and their colors. I would stand out on the front porch every day at some point, and imagine red bathing

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