Learn the Lesson of a Chronic Illness

Diary of a Healer #13, by Annie Bond 

As my students know, I explore new healing techniques on myself before integrating them into my practice. Such was the case with a breakthrough I had last week. In the attempt to learn the lesson of a chronic illness I also had a powerful insight about the Law of Attraction.

Being a homing signal for ticks, I have struggled with tick-borne disease for 23 years, ever since the first ticks came onto my land and I succumbed to my first bulls-eye rash. Gratefully, while I have been bit an appalling number of times (I counted 22 bites one year), I have found alternative homeopathic treatments calibrated on Biomeridian/Rife/Zyto – type machines that work for the diseases. Mostly. I still struggle especially with babesiosis, the red blood cell parasite. A very depressing illness because one becomes so very tired.

Chronic Illness and Resistance

Feeling such symptoms on and off this fall, I turned to energy healing techniques for myself last week. This was, of course, hardly the first time, so I was particularly fed up. What would work for such a chronic illness? I’d looked at trauma, thought forms… .

Deepak Chopra has memorably written that if you resist what is showing up in your life you are resisting the flow of the universe.

Could I embrace my tick-borne disease? I had a flash:  In past-life healings, which I do many times a week for clients and have for years, I have learned that I must find the lesson that needs to be learned about that past life for it to finally resolve. Once that lesson is learned the energy of that lifetime will leave and go off like a shooting star.

Would learning the lesson about tick-borne disease, in particular babesiosis, heal me once and for all? What lesson did I need to learn? I decided to explore a healing from this angle.

Energy Body and the Law of Attraction

The details of the healing don’t really matter, except to me. Suffice it to say that it was one of the deepest inroads of healing that I have ever experienced in my own energy body. It involved clearing a powerful past-life with an entire toxic emotional motherboard of brainwashing that was released as a result. I then had a few soul retrievals of parts of myself that were struggling with that same motherboard of toxic information in this lifetime.

The Law of Attraction became abundantly clear:
1. The toxic motherboard was a pulsing magnet for a particular vibration of thinking.
2. Tick-borne disease carries that exact vibration.
3. My energy body had been looking for a resonance to match that motherboard’s vibration and tick-borne disease successfully lowered my energy to match it and maintain it!

Lessons from Past Lifetimes

The takeaway? The spiritual lesson not learned in this or past lifetimes maintains the vibration of what needs to be healed. In that way what painful circumstance shows up is a blessing (of a sort!) as it gives us the opportunity to learn the lesson at long last. I feel I did learn the lesson of why I have carried this disease.

Has my tick-borne disease gone away? The healing is only three days old but I can say I feel significantly lighter and have a lot more energy. Maintaining a higher vibration of thought is more of a constant, too. The lesson itself is a very good reminder to me to stop a certain way of thinking in its tracks.

Stay tuned.

With a client a day later, I did approach a chronic manifestation by looking for the lesson of the pattern and she, too, had healing with deep inroads.

Both healings feel the way it is when you get just the right string on the bag of dog food so that the entire seam unravels at once when you tug.

Diary of a Healer offers the stories of people’s lives as seen from the perspective of a clairvoyant healer who works with the energy body and its vibrant, ever-changing patterns. Each entry will be actual accounts of healing and will provide a glossary of esoteric language. Names are changed to protect people’s privacy. By Annie Bond

Annie teaches the Awakening Prana Healer School and gives healings in Rhinebeck, NY, New York City, and Boston. She gives distance healings to people all over the world.


  1. janice acken November 18, 2019 at 1:42 am

    This is so powerful.I have long thought that a lot of what we endure is from our past lives. If we heal that life we can move on in this one. I am so happy to be studying with you. I love learning this healing modality.

  2. janice acken November 18, 2019 at 1:42 am

    This is so powerful.I have long thought that a lot of what we endure is from our past lives. If we heal that life we can move on in this one. I am so happy to be studying with you. I love learning this healing modality.

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