3 Ways to Be More Grounded, Embodied, and Present
Being grounded on the planet, being in our bodies, — being here now, being embodied — is the key to being an integrated human being.
#1. Be Here Now
The teaching of “Be Here Now” can be traced back to many different spiritual traditions, however, it was popularized in the West by Ram Dass in his 1971 book of the same name. It is a message that encourages us to live in the present moment, a reminder that the past is gone and the future is not yet here; the only thing we have is the present moment.
We are bioelectric and magnetic and the Sun and Earth are two poles. To be here now we need to be grounded in polarity. The force of polarity comes from the Sun and the Earth.
Sun: Yang (+) charge
Earth: Yin (-) charge.
Sit comfortably, take a few deep breaths. Say with intention:
“I send love and gratitude to the heart of the Earth.” Take a few breaths.
“I send love and gratitude to the heart of the Sun.” Take a few breaths.
Because of The Law of Reciprocity, when you send love and gratitude you will receive the energy of love and gratitude back. Pay attention and you’ll feel the energy come to you.
This next part is to ask to hear a sound inside of your head.
“I ask to hear the sound of the Sun (take some time to hear this).
I ask to hear the sound of the Earth (take some time to hear this).
I ask to hear this chord.”
Entrain to this chord. Merge with it.
“I ask to hear the chord of Sun and Earth.”
At another time you can insert “Father” before “Sun” and “Mother” before Earth, and experience this chord a bit differently.
#2 Be Grounded
The Schumann Resonance is the Earth’s constant hum. It has a fundamental frequency of around 7.83 Hz, often called the Earth’s heartbeat. This is accompanied by harmonic frequencies at multiples of this value, typically up to around 33 Hz. Richard Rudd notes in The Gene Keys that “all human disease comes about because of disturbances between your individual electromagnetic field and this greater field that emanates from the Earth. Whenever your frequency ceases to correspond to the Schumann Resonance your are out of kilter with your natural rhythms.”
Grounding connects you to this hum, this charge, anchoring you and bringing well-being,
How do you get grounded? One simple way is to simply imagine yourself a tree, with roots drinking deep into the Earth. The roots not only go down but they also drink up the nutrients. The branches reach up to the sun and drink down the light.

To ground imagine yourself a tree.
#3. Connect to each of the Sacred Elements
The simplest thing you can do to change the health and fundamental structure of your body is to treat the five elements with devotion and respect. –Sadhguru, Inner Engineering
The sacred geometry form of the Sacred Elements deeply interconnects everything in the Universe. There are timelines and there is master jigsaw work involved in their sacred geometry and how they connect with each other. Without the Elements we couldn’t embody the life force Infinite Creation currents into our physicality. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether bring flow and movement to our energy body and physical body.
Connect in a spiritual and physical way.
The Sacred Elements establish the dynamism of our energy body! They activate the current of life force inside of us, they build the structure of the system. Lack of flow results in part from our disconnection from nature.
Humans are:
72% Water
12% Earth
6% Air
6% Ether
4% Fire
Set Intention
- I will try to love the planet as much as myself.
- I intend to connect to the Earth, Sun, and the Elements in my daily life.
- I intend to be grounded.
Step I Healing Meditation
Short Version
Step outdoors and feel each of the elements. Spend at least a minute tuning into each, and simply send them love and gratitude.
-I send love and gratitude to the Earth.
-I send love and gratitude to the Water.
-I send love and gratitude to the Fire.
-I send love and gratitude to the Air.
-I send love and gratitude to the Ether (consider this ‘space’ for this exercise).
Get grounded. Simply imagine yourself a tree, with roots drinking deep into the Earth. The roots not only go down, but they also drink up the nutrients. The branches reach up to the sun and drink down the light.
By Annie B. Bond. Adapted from her new book Awakening Prana! 9 Steps to Regenerative Self-Healing.
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Fantastic…concise, understandable, fulfilling. I appreciate your sharing