Activate Your Bioelectric Energy Body E-Book
By Annie Bond, from The Stoneman Diaries
It is good to step back and see where we came from. The wind and the stars. We are a complex vibratory system created by the Sacred Elements, connected at a cellular level to the great Universe. We carry the life force energy of Creation, and have since the beginning of time. In this Bioelectric Energy Body E-Book created by Annie Bond, using the teachings channeled by Stoneman, a Hathor, you will learn how to use the Sacred Elements to activate your energy body and reconnect to Source.
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Annie Bond is a mystic who can see energy systems clairvoyantly. Through this connection, Annie finds insight and understanding for anyone on their personal and spiritual growth journeys. She has developed the Awakening Prana healing modality, works with clients from all over the world, and founded her first Healer School in 2016.
Annie’s unique healing modality is the Awakening Prana Practice and Divine Mother healing, which she developed over almost two decades of energy healing work. The awakening prana healings work with the chakras, central channel, and broader pranic field to clear energy blocks and damage, allowing the increase of prana or chi to flow. Annie Bond works with light, color, and sound. Annie’s students and clients are from all over the world and have reported profound experiences and renewal of energy after the healings.