9 Steps to Regenerative Self-Transformation

“I know the value of working with our energy daily. Annie’s processes are my go-to tools for clearing dense energy and raising my vibration. I’m sure that once you read about them and then try them for yourself, you’ll agree that there are no accidents: You were meant to find these methods. Prepare to enjoy true radiance as you transmute whatever may be holding you back from being the best possible version of your highest Self.”

~Suzanne Giesemann

energy body

Regenerative Energy Healing


Awakening Prana is a revolutionary bioelectric balancing system that reconnects us to our vital life force energy, “prana.”

Engaging in this transformative practice taught by Annie B. Bond empowers you to amplify this deeply rejuvenating connection—an association that has been diminished through countless ages of failing to connect to one’s heart, to the Earth, nature, and the encompassing
All That Is.

Regenerative Energy Healing


Awakening Prana is a revolutionary bioelectric balancing system that reconnects us to our vital life force energy, “prana.”

Engaging in this transformative practice taught by Annie Bond empowers you to amplify this deeply rejuvenating connection—an association that has been diminished through countless ages of failing to connect to one’s heart, to the Earth, nature, and the encompassing
All That Is.

The Awakening Prana Modality: Enhancing Energetic Reconnection To Source Through Bioelectric Balance

The Awakening Prana modality is a technique that works with the bioelectric system to enhance a restorative reconnection to Source. The life force energy, also known as “prana,” is a vital force that permeates all things. However, in this modern age, our access to this energy has diminished, leaving us functioning below our capacity. This is due to our disconnection from nature, which is necessary for regular tune-ups of our energy body.

As humans have become increasingly disconnected from nature, we have disengaged from the system that activates the current of life force energy within us. This bioelectric system requires a balance between a negative (-) or yin, charge and a positive (+) or yang, charge. However, we have increasingly depleted ourselves of the negative charge, also called Shakti, which has blocked much of our connection to Source.

Our true human potential can only be partially revealed to us in our diminished capacity.

Metaphorically akin to a car lacking a fuel line connection, we need to rediscover—a reconnection—to that essential fuel line to re-embody our true potential and regenerate. The Awakening Prana modality is a way to achieve this balance and enhance our connection to Source, restoring our well-being and vitality.

What a blessing it was to be a participant in Annie’s 6 month intensive Heart Mind Healer school!  Through her guidance, participation, and deep knowledge of this profound healing modality, I felt grounded in love and acceptance. She offers an open and safe space for individuals who are called to dig a bit deeper in discovering their own true nature. We are all here to heal. We all long to be loved, seen, and heard. An “opening” of the heart, mind, and soul. This was my experience during that half -year of self discovery with a group of 8 other beautiful souls, meeting each other again, for the very first time!  It doesn’t matter if you are a a professional in the healing arts, or an executive for a large company, we can all benefit and grow by realizing our connection to the Divine. Give yourself the gift of allowing Annie to guide you back to YOU.

Pete S.

Annie has released,  revived, and renewed my body, mind, and soul through her passionate “right on” Healings!  I started my journey with Annie as she began to remove stale heavy energies that do not serve me any longer and invited in fresh “light” as my new energy.  I have expanded so magically physically and mentally that I wanted to now and partake in learning this wonderful healing modality!  I signed up for  Divine Mother course and in the 6 months, I have learned all the fundamentals as a healer from such amazing hands-on teacher. I highly recommend this course to anyone that wants a true understanding of this teaching with such compassion and clarity. This course has opened my doors unto great new beginnings for me as a healer!!

Lori K.

I have only wonderful things to say about Annie’s HeartMind Healing Academy!  It was an extraordinary experience to be in an intense learning environment for that 6 months.  We learned and healed at an accelerated pace, and the month in between gave us time to process what we’ve learned.  Annie is a skilled and knowledgeable teacher, who possesses the humility of the greatest teachers – knowing that we can also learn from one another.

Kathy S.

Not every space is filled with negativity, but every space can use some loving energy.  Taking the space clearing workshop with Annie was wonderful and stunning.  How wonderful to learn techniques for clearing spaces that may be blocking you from performing your best or closing off growth.  How stunning were the without-a-doubt positive results from exercising a clearing to areas in need.   I went in curious about what space clearing was all about and came out a true believer in this modality.  As with all of Annie’s workshops, she provides all the materials and tremendous guidance, love and support.

Colleen Dierze, Certified Energy (OLHT and Reiki) & Crystal Healer and Raindrop Aromatherapy Practitioner

I am not the same person I was before doing the Divine Mother training with Annie. My heart has softened, my spirit expanded, and my confidence in doing energy work while offering massage has grown. I connect with Divine Mother energy while working on clients now, and feel such gratitude for the healing impact it has on both them, and me!  This training is for anyone wanting to take some giant steps on their spiritual path.

Christine Welker, Gentle Mountain Massage

I just attended Annie’s sound healing workshop and really enjoyed it.  I left with a greater sense of confidence in regards to adding sound healing to my reiki sessions.  I look forward to utilizing instruments like my voice, a rain stick, and a drum into my reiki sessions.  Because Annie has many years of expertise as an energy healer, I also learned new valuable tools to incorporate into my healing sessions.  Thanks Annie!

Darren Marc

Annie is a master teacher. From her clear course schedule to her workbook to her homework sheets to (and most important) her teaching the healing skills that she has developed over 18 years of healing training – the school is totally wonderful, exciting and pretty awesome.

Carolyn Keck, Attendee of 2016 school

Annie, is a truly gifted teacher.  From her own experiences as a healer and student she has been a tremendous resource to all who take her classes. The most important thing she taught me was trust.  To trust myself, my visions and messages and how to accept myself in doing so. Annie helped me deepen my healing practice by providing me with more tools and knowledge. I have been a Reiki Master for years, and yet there was something missing.  Annie helped me to look inward and ask for help beyond my limitations.  I believe Annie would be able to teacher anyone.  She has a gift in teaching others to hone their craft while being empathic and compassionate and without compromising her authenticity.  I am so grateful to have met Annie and to learn the Divine Mother Healing modality.  It has become incorporated in my daily life and I am so much the better for it.

Thank you Annie for teaching me so much!  I would highly recommend your classes to anyone.
Cathy C.

I cannot say enough wonderful things about Annie’s training, and about Annie as a teacher and holder of sacred space. This training took me deeper into my own self healing journey, in such a safe space, with a great group of friends, and with Annie as a great guide and teacher. I am forever changed by this experience, and like to think that I found my very own route to knowing the Divine as a result of this training.


A powerful experiential workshop during which you learn a wide range of sound modalities for helping others release blocked energy and at the same time deepen your own inner-awareness and experience healing benefits.  Highly recommended.

Andrea S.

My Story

It was a yearning that brought me to energy healing and to take an energy healing school. A call to myself. A call to Circle. A call of outreach to others. I had gone off-center and needed to find my way back. The concept of the wounded healer was new to me, but I was surely it.

Healing with vibration interested me, and I had become a Reiki Master, although that modality didn’t fully resonate. I had crystals on most windowsills, and even in bed with me. I was drawn to “energy” enough that I decided to commit to a course to become a healer.

Early in my healing training I was guided through a prana – embodying meditation during which tears streamed down my face unbidden as I at long last re-connected to my heart. The energy of unconditional love washed over me and I re-centered.

So began a spiritual healing practice that for me has become a path to wholeness and a career as a healer and a teacher. First and foremost I learned that feeling compassion for myself was my starting point.

I studied for more than a decade while I kept my other career going as a green living author and editor. The more balanced I became the more propelled forward I was to become a clearer and clearer channel for healing others. Emptying out my trauma to become a vehicle of light.

Annie Bond Sedona vortexes